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Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah

Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah
  1. Akhir sekali, kurangnya pemantauan daripada ibu bapa turut menjadi penyebab ponteng sekolah dalam kalangan pelajar. Sebagai intihar, gejala ponteng sekolah dalam kalangan pelajar perlu diatasi oleh semua pihak sama ada ibu bapa, pihak sekolah, polis dan sebagainya. (125 Patah Perkataan).
  2. Karangan,tatabahasa,komsas,panduan mengarang,sastera,peribahasa,surat kiriman,cereka,pengalaman,format pt3/spm,bahan bantu mengajar. Ahad, 6 Jun 2010. KARANGAN RANGSANGAN(Gejala Sosial). 125 patah perkataan Dicatat oleh Azam di 7:55 PG. E-melkan Ini BlogThis!
  1. Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah Malaysia
  2. Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah Islam

13 CONTOH KARANGAN OLEH CIKGU ANELYZA. Usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan semangat patriotik. Peranan Kita dalam Usaha Mengantarabangsakan Bahas. Langkah-langkah untuk Menggalakkan Orang Ramai Men. PERANAN IBU BAPA DALAM MEMBERIKAN SOKONGAN DAN DOR.

Posted byA reader asked how to at Malaysia Students Forum. Since I was able to score a 1A in my SPM Bahasa Melayu, I have the responsibility to help other SPM candidates to get an A in this subject too.;-) For your information, you have to pass SPM Bahasa Melayu to be eligible to continue your studies in form six or local university. Those who don’t pass Bahasa Melayu will sit for SPM July Paper ( SPM Kertas Julai) the year after they have had their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.Firstly, I would like to share the effective tips to score well in Paper 1 ( Kertas 1) with you. For section A ( bahagian A), you will have to write an essay within 200 to 250 words based on the material ( bahan rangsangan) given. You should ensure that the length of your essay is within the suggested length and should not exceed it though I learned from my teacher that candidate can actually write to the maximum of 255 words. Lihat gambar di bawah dengan teliti.

Huraikan pendapat anda tentang usaha-usaha yang perlu dilakukan untuk menangani gejala vandalisme. Panjang huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250 patah perkataan.Source: SPM Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 (1103/1) November 2005 Bahagian AOne of the questions often asked by the candidates is should candidate write the whole essay on the material given or on the topic given. For instance, in SPM Bahasa Melayu 2005 paper 1, the question for section A is just four pictures showing public property being damaged as the result of vandalism and graffiti. There is a title in bold type read: ‘ GEJALA VANDALISME (Vandalism)’. Some candidates worry that they might lose the content marks if they do not write mainly about the material (images).Actually, candidates do not have to write about the pictures (the wanton damage of public property); instead they should write an essay on the topic Vandalism. They should write about the causes ( faktor/punca), effects ( kesan) and/or actions ( langkah mengatasinya) taken to overcome problem depending on the question. So, for SPM 2005 (referring to the question), candidate should write on the actions ( usaha) to be taken to overcome vandalism.

However, to play safe, candidate can include a sentence or two describing the pictures given. ( Sebagai contoh, telefon awam dirosakkan dan dinding bangunan diconteng dengan bahasa kesat.)For SPM Bahasa Melayu 2004 paper 1, the question for section A is similar to SPM 2005 in the way the question being asked, in which show four pictures of various pollution as the result of development with the title ‘ PEMBANGUNAN DAN ALAM SEKITAR (The Development and the Environment)’ at the centre of the pictures. So, student should not write the whole essay about the pictures. Instead, student should write the essay focussing on the topic the Development and the Environment.Since section A of paper 1 tests mainly on the Malay language and not the content, your essay should be grammatically correct (ayat gramatis) besides showing wide vocabulary (kosa kata luas) and interesting phrases (fasa menarik). These tips work well for section B ( bahagian B) too! Pilih satu daripada soalan di bawah dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan.Source: SPM Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 (1103/1) November 2005 Bahagian BIn section B, you have to choose one out of five questions provided and write a continuous essay ( esei) more than 350 words. Please note that if you prefer writing formatted essay ( karangan berformat), you have to write it in correct format to avoid mark deduction.

Here is a secret to score well in this section: write a lengthy essay! Why lengthy essay? This is because a piece of lengthy writing gives the examiner an illusion impression that you can write very well.Personally, I usually wrote my SPM Malay continuous writing more than 700 words (about three pages depending on your handwriting).

Of course, your essay should not have too many errors including but not limited to grammar, spelling and word choice errors. If however you tend to make a lot of mistakes in your writing, I would advise you to write an essay about 500 words. (more than two pages depending on your handwriting). The trick is to write your words in big text size and ensure that there are not more than ten words in each line.

In addition, use some relevant idioms in your writing. Some of the common Malay idioms which you should have mastered include but not limited to bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat; melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya; biar mati anak, jangan mati adat and berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing.Some questions in section B are open questions which mean that you can write about the causes ( faktor/punca), effects ( kesan) and/or actions ( langkah mengatasinya) taken to overcome a particular problem. For instance in SPM 2005, some questions have the keywords ‘ ulas pernyataan di atas’ and ‘ berikan komen anda tentang pernyataan tersebut’.

Meanwhile, some other questions have limited the scope of your essay. You can easily identify this type of questions by looking for the keywords like ‘ berikan pendapat anda tentang peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan sahsiah anak-anak’ and ‘ tulis rencana tentang usaha-usaha yang perlu dilakukan oleh pihak berkenaan bagi meningkatkan mutu sukan negara’.For your information, the fifth question is always a literature-type question ( soalan berbentuk sastera). Most of the time, the question will ask the candidates to write a short stories ( cerpen) based on a theme or idiom ( peribahasa) given. Choose this type of question only if you have a sound mastery of Malay language. Generally, art stream students prefer this type of question more than science stream students.To increase the use of textbook in classroom, our government via Malaysian Examination Council (Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia) has decided to limit the scope of some SPM essay questions to the SPM syllabus since 2004. Hence you can actually spot the essay questions by excluding the past years’ topics.

Besides that, you can analyse the trial papers’ (kertas soalan percubaan) essay questions. Here I show you a real instance where the trial question was similar to the real SPM question. Last year, the fifth essay question ( tulis cerpen berdasarkan peribahasa ‘bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat’) in the real SPM examination was identical with Terengganu second BM trial paper’s fifth question. Was it a question leak ( soalan bocor) or just a coincidence? There are a lot more real cases in other subjects too!Below, a recap of the main tips of this post:Essays should be grammatically correct ( ayat gramatis) besides showing wide vocabulary ( kosa kata luas) and interesting phrases ( fasa menarik).Section A. Ensure that the length of your essay is within the suggested length.

Do not write about the pictures. Instead, write an essay on the topic given.Section B. Write lengthy essay about 700 words.

Use some relevant idioms in your writing. Analyse the topics covered in your form four and five textbooks, past years’ questions and trial papers.I will post the second part: some time this week because I am now busily preparing myself for my year-end examination.

You are nevertheless welcome to add your own tips or ask a related question by commenting on this post. Liked this post?

You cannot write more than 250 words for section A ( karangan berpandukan bahan rangsangan). The instruction ( arahan) for section A has clearly pointed this out, hasn't it?In the post above, I wrote 'I learned from my teacher that candidate can actually write to the maximum of 255 words'.

However, I should stress that I'm not encouraging any SPM candidates to write more than 250 words. I always advise the candidates to follow the question's instruction. Writing 400 words will deduce the candidates' marks for this section.For section B, candidates are encouraged to write more than 350 words according to the instruction. Why do you waste your time write so lengthy for section A and make yourselves run out of time to answer section B? I think the bombastic word is kosa kata in Malay. You've to learn some kosa kata and use them in your karangan. You can pick up these bombastic words from contoh karangan and newpapers.

I didn't use this kind of words too often in my SPM Karangan but I managed to score 1A for my SPM Bahasa Melayu. Some of the words are konteks, pemangkin, warga emas, anjakan paradigma etc.

It's hard to tell which are bombastic words because once you've learnt them, you will use them naturally and they are no longer the 'bombastic words' for you. AnonymousThis blog really helps. I have been getting really bad results for my BM lately, eveb for my trials and now i dread not even getting a credit for my SPM. Hence, i won't be able to enrol into the college i desire. This is starting to give me sweaty palms as 'THE DAY' draws nearer.

Please submit some sampel karangan that i can learn from. I never liked sitting down infront of a blank paper with a blank mind. And that's what usually happens to me whenever it comes to writing a BM essay. I get stuck and it terrifies me. Anonymousto score well in essay (section B), it is very true that you need to master the 'bombastic word' or the 'high-tech kosa kata'. It can help you gain more marks.

But never EVER invent your own kosa kata because no one will understand it except you (it did happened to me XD). Also insert some pantuns, peribahasa(s) & try to make your essay as interesting as possible.for those who are sucked in writing stories & dialogues (like me), forget about trying to write a cerpen in spm. You are committing suicide. I heard that many people said that cerpen is the easiest essay but its totally not true. I personally think it is the hardest. I prefer writing essays that involve facts.try using tips provided in the text books & most importantly, READ the text book (even though its boring) because the essay that may come out is based on the themes in the text book.


I also read some sample essays from reference books & i think it helps. Do a lot of practices as this can help you to be familiar to the real spm questions.i don't like bm even though i have a very good bm teacher.

I practically hate to write three long papers of essays. I even hate it when i ran out of ideas on how to elaborate it. I still remember when the bm spm exam was finally over, my fingers were totally numb.but im happy knowing i scored A1:). Satbirthe thing is i can write essays in the range of 450 to 500 words but the problem is that my teacher always refutes my points by marking it as irrelevant. She also says that my essay cannot be considered to be given an 'A' because my essay lacks the KOSA KATA (vocabulary-bombastic words). Can any good samaritan out there help me by guiding me on how to improve my vocabulary.

Also, i read a few posts saying that it is possible to find those bombastic words on internet. If that is the case, can somebody actually tell me what is the webpage so that it makes my life easier. Thanks in advance. Anonymoushey, actually there is no really restriction to the words of part A essay. The main purpose they put the 200-250words is to ensure that v do not spend too much time on the first essay n forgot to allocate enough time 4 d second essay.so, if u r sure that u can manage ur time well, feel free to exceed the words limit.i'm actually posting this bcuz i wrote almost 450-500words 4 d 1st essay in my trials(PERAK)n got 28/30 from my teacher which is an examiner.even my tuition teacher which is involve in spm marking too encourage us to write longer than the limitations.

Anonymousoh myi am so so stress and hopeless.i have totally no confidence in scoring a credit in bm.i really hate language subject!!!can anybody tell me is 50 marks enough to get a credit,since 40 marks is pass already??your helps are so useful to mei have resit july paper and i get a result worse than the first time i sit for the bm exam,but i have answer all the question in this july paper, and i understand the pemahaman too, o well,yet i only score an 8!!my goodness!!!!what can i do now?!!! And soon i am going to have the test again in next tuesday,o gosh!! AnonymousHey, I also need to improve my BM. I'm Brunei, and know much about Bahasa Brunei than Bahasa Malaysia. When comes the exam, I write much words, but these are the bahasa brunei. I don't know how to use bahasa malaysia even that I know the words. Sometimes I couldn't figure out what I need to write in it.

I also wanted to get at least a little improvement. I am going to sit on Form 5 Exam Next year. Please help me whatever it takes me to get A. I'm now practice on Malay, but I always get 60 below. I'm afraid if I failed to write on the next year Exam. Could you post some sample karangan that can help me. Or suggest some site to me.

2 years isn't much. Hope that you help. AnonymousRead this introduction for BM essay:Tajuk: Peranan rakyat dalam pembangunan negaraPascakemerdekaan negara Malaysia telah menyaksikan pertumbuhan yang pesat, rancak dan drastik dalam rencaman bidang perdana dan dominan. Dalam menongkah, meniti dan menelusuri arus deras modenisasi dan globalisasi yang menerjah negara, negara kita telah banyak mengalami anjakan paradigma daripada sebauh negara mundur kepada sebuah negara maju. Pada zaman muasir ini, negara kita telah berusaha gigih bagi lebah menghimpun madu untuk menempa kejayaan serta mendukung, melestarikan dan merealisasikan visi kudsi Wawasan 2020 agar dapat 'berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah' dengan negara atas angin dan gergasi di persada mayapada. Sebagai seorang rakyat yang cinta akan ibu pertiwi kita, memang tidak dapat disangkalkan bahawa kita memainkan peranan yang vital, signifikan dan mustahak dalam proses pembangunan negara.

Persoalannya, sanggupkan kita melihat negara kita terus berada pada takuk lama tanpa berikhtiar dan berikrar untuk memperkasakan kemajuan negara? Apakah peranan setiap rakyat dalam proses pembangunan untuk mengemudi negara kita ke arah kecemerlangan, kegemilangan dan keterbilangan? Jauhari jua yang mengenal manikam. Tepuk dada tanyalah selera. Hey may i know if i started my Huraian in paper 1 wrongly do i lose all the marks or they only give me the minimum mark? That morning i was so stress and nervous, i accidentally begin my Huraian with the pendahuluan of Rumusan. I wrote petikan in membincangkan!!

But it is Huraian! But at least i got have all the isi and huraian. Would they just ignore my pendahuluan and mark according to my isi so i can get higher mark? My school teacher told me i might only get the minimum mark if i got the format wrong. AnonymousContoh Pendahuluan yang Mantap:Tajuk: Kepentingan Sektor Pertanian Kepada NegaraNegeri indah negeri Kedah,Tumbuh melata pohon cemara;Sektor petanian membawa faedah,Menjamin pembangunan mapan negara.Kalau bijak meniti buih, selamat badan sampai ke seberang.

Persis kata pepatah Melayu yang jelas mengungkapkan usaha gigih bagai lebah menghimpun madu untuk memajukan sektor pertanian selaras dengan Dasar Pertanian Negara. Sekiranya kita menyingkap kembali tabir sejarah, sektor pertanian merupakan tonggak dan tunjang kepada ekonomi negara sebelum sektor perindustrian menerajui ekonomi negara kita pada tahun 1980-an. Sesungguhnya, sektor pertanian dapat menjamin pembangunan negara kita yang mapan dan utuh supaya negara kita dapat 'berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah' dengan negara gergasi di persada mayapada. Persoalannya, apakah kemaslahatan sektor pertanian kepada pembangunan negara kita? AnonymousHello.I would like to say thank you for doing all this for us. Oh, and I also have a few questions too:1.

I've been having too much trouble on remembering or writing Malay words and composition compared to English.is there any tips for me to improve my vocabulary than reading alone?2. I find Malay boring as it is.so I need an exciting/interesting example for my guide. Can anyone provide me some?3. I keep having low grades (mainly Ds) in Malay, while my English is usually the second/third highest among my other subjects.

Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah Malaysia

I don't have tuition and I have no idea how to improve my Malay orals either. How do I change my habit of using my Brunei/Kedayan and English for words or to chat with other people.and well, use 'proper' Malay instead? Malaysia Students Blog is a team blog on Malaysian major examinations, secondary, pre-university & tertiary education, student resources, students' thoughts and everything relating to students & undergraduates at schools, colleges & universities in Malaysia -Comment Policy: Comments posted at Malaysia Students blog should be on-topic, constructive and add value to the discussion. Comments that are off-topic, one-sentence, abusive or offensive will be removed.

Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah Islam

Please use proper English with correct spelling and grammar in your comment. For general questions, please post them at. For enquiries, please email the administrator of this blog: Student at Malaysia-Students dot com.

Karangan 1000 Patah Perkataan Spm Ponteng Sekolah